Will global warming take away winter?

Ryan cruising down the slop

Winter, oh winter, you chilly rascal! Despite my frosty feelings towards the cold, I’ve got a soft spot for winter sports. Now, my kiddos? They’re winter enthusiasts through and through, rocking shorts in temperatures that make me shiver just thinking about it. I’m seriously contemplating an early retirement to bask in warmer climes!

Like clockwork, we embarked on our annual snowboarding escapade. Guess what? The snow was more like a high-tech masterpiece than a natural wonder around these parts. But hey, it’s enough to create some slope magic that we can revel in.

As the years pile up, my aging back is giving me the side-eye when it comes to winter sports. Still, I mustered up the courage to slide down that slope with the kiddos – gotta seize those frosty moments before I officially hang up my winter gear!

Ryan cruising down the slop